H.J. Harris |
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
Herbert Victor Harrod |
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Rose Cottage.
Ernest William Harvey |
In 1911 Ernest William Harvey was employed as a General Farm
Labourer, and was a lodger with Joseph and Emma Moore, at Slough
House Felstead. He was then 25 years old, having been born in
1885 to Samuel and Susannah Harvey. Ernest William Harvey
married one of Joseph and Emma Moore's daughters, Julia Moore in the last quarter of 1915.
They went on to have four daughters:
Christine M. Harvey, born in 1917.
Dorothy M. and Winifred E. Harvey, twins, born in 1920.
Brenda M. Harvey, born 1935.
Ernest appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Bannister Green. Ernest died aged 64 in 1949 and is buried
at Holy Cross Church, Felsted.
Lewis Harvey |
Private Soldier 28582, 1st/5th
Suffolk Regiment
Born: 1895
Address at Attestation: Pear Tree Farm,
Age at Attestation 21 years
Height: 5' ½"
Weight: 121 lbs
Chest size 34½"
Next of Kin: Frances Harvey (née Rawlinson)
married in the first quarter of 1918.
Daughter: Evelyn May born 18/12/1918
Enlisted: 01/03/1916
Mobilized: 18/07/1916
Joined Battalion 29/07/1916
Wounded: Buried by Shell 09/04/1917
Admitted Beaucroft, Wimborne: 12/07/1917 – 24/08/1917 reason:
Trench Fever.
Posted Felixstowe: 16/11/1918 to join 11th Battalion.
Embarked Dover: 25/07/1918
Posted to D Company 1st/5th Battalion in Egypt:
Joined Battalion in the Field: 28/08/1918
Suffering Dysentery: 31/08/1918
Transferred to England by Hospital Ship St David’s 12/09/1918
Admitted Western General Hospital: 22/09/1918 – 26/02/1919
Furlough: 26/02/1919 – 07/03/1919
28 days furlough: 08/07/1919 – 02/08/1919
Furlough: 25/08/1919 – 03/09/1919
After the War his address is Pyes Bridge
Farm, Felstead.
Two sons were also born:
Arthur R. Harvey, born 1920
Desmond L. Harvey, born 1928 Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Pear Tree Farm.
Leonard George Harvey |
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Leighs Priory Cottages.
Sidney Charles Harvey |
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Mole Hill Green.
Stanley Milbank Hasler |
Private Soldier 3714 - Essex
Regiment Transport
Private Soldier 251004 – 5th Battalion, Essex
RegimentBorn: 1894
Address at Enlistment: Rock Place, North End, Nr. Felstead.
Height: 5' 2"
Chest Size: 33½"
Age: 22 years
Attested: 10/06/1915
Embarked “Royal George” Devonport: 03/06/1916
Disembarked Alexandria: 13/06/1916 joining the BEEF (British
Egyptian Expeditionary Force)
Joined Battalion at Shallufa: 20/06/1916
Admitted to BEEF Hospital with Celulitis: 30/03/1917
Admitted to Hospital with Septic Right Arm: 02/04/1917
Admitted to Hospital with Septic Right Arm Abrasion: 04/04/1917
Rejoined Battalion: 27/04/1917
Admitted to Hospital with Carbuncle: 07/07/1917
Rejoined Battalion: 13/08/1917
There were further admissions to hospital but most cannot be
To Demobilization Camp: 22/06/1919
Demobilized at Warley, Essex: 10/08/1919
The Hatley Brothers |
In 1901 the Hatley family were
living in the Village:
Thomas Hatley, age 39, occupaton: Engine Driver at School, born:
Jane Hatley, age 35, born: Thorpe-le-Soken.
Edith Hatley, age 11, born: Felsted.
William Hatley, age 10, born: Felsted.
Charles Hatley, age 8, born: Felsted.
Ernest Hatley, age 6, born: Felsted.
Annie Hatley, age 5, born: Felsted.
Annabell Hatley, age 3, born: Felsted.
Grace Hatley, age 1, born: Felsted.
Charles Hatley |
Son of Thomas and Jane Hatley.
Baptised at Holy Cross Church, Felsted on 29th January 1893. Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
as C. Hatley
Ernest Hatley |
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour E. Hatley
1911 census for Felsted records Ernest Hatley age 16.
Appears on 1918 absent voters list as Ernest Hatley, address:
Ernest Hatley Private Soldier 72213, Essex Regiment
or Ernest Hatley, Private Soldier 4497, London Regiment
Thomas Hatley |
Son of Thomas and Jane Hatley.
Baptised at Holy Cross Church, Felsted on 27th May 1888. Private Soldier 67238, Labour
Private Soldier, 3rd Battalion, Highland Light Infantry
Private Soldier 46624, 5th Provisional Company, 2nd Battalion,
Kings Own Scottish Borderers
Born: second quarter 1888.
Address at Enlistment: Mill
Cottage, Felstead.
Later living at Stebbing Green.
Age: 29 years 4 months
Occupation: Electrical Engineer
Height: 5' 8¼"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eyesight: 6/12 (very poor)
Next of Kin: Ethel May Hatley (née Owers) married: 1st
quarter 1909.
Thomas William Hatley. Born: 21/03/1909 in Stebbing.
Edward John James Hatley. Born: 16/10/1910 in Stebbing.
Douglas E K Hatley. Born: 26/06/1915
Called Up: 07/07/1916
Posted to Reserve: 09/07/1916
Re-Mobilized: 09/02/1918
Posted to 403 Agricultural Company, Labour Corps, Perth,
Scotland: 20/03/1918
Posted to Depot Labour Corps: 16/05/1918
Posted to Reserve 296 Labour Corps: 23/05/1918
Compulsory and Permanently transferred to 3rd Battalion,
Highland Light Infantry: 12/07/1918
Declared Deserter: 24/07/1918
Rejoined Battalion: 26/08/1918
Under Guard in Duty Room: 26/08/1918
Trial: 26/09/1918
Tried by District Court Martial, and sentenced to 112 days
detention for "when on active service deserting H.M.S (His
Majesty's Service)"
Detention began: 27/09/1918
Hospitalized with Bronchitis: 15/02/1919 - 08/03/1919 (22 days)
Transferred to King's Own Scottish Borderers: 12/06/1919
Posted to 5th Provisional Company, 2nd Battalion King's Own
Scottish Borderers: 12/07/1919
Transferred to Reserve for De-mobilization: 12/12/1919 Thomas
and Ethel had seven more children:
Ruby J. Hatley, born 1917
Hilda K. Hatley, born 1919
Trixie I. M. Hatley, born 1920
Ronald Anslow Hatley, born 1922, listed on the
also served page for World War
2 from Little Dunmow.
Edna J. Hatley, born 1926
Vera F. Hatley, born 1928
Eileen W. Hatley, born 1930
The Hawkes Brothers |
In 1901 the Hawkes family were
living at Appletrees, Hartford End, which is in the parish of
Ford End. Members of the Hawkes family appear on the Felsted
absent voters list for 1918, hence the entry in our record.:
Walter Hawkes, age 38, occupation: Farm Labourer, born: Stebbing
Matilda Hawkes, age 39, born: Gt. Waltham.
Minnie Hawkes, age 12, born: Gt. Waltham.
Florence Hawkes, age 10, born: Gt. Waltham.
William Hawkes, age 8, born: Lt. Waltham.
John Hawkes, age 8, born: Lt. Waltham.
David Hawkes, age 4, born: Gt. Waltham.
Edward Hawkes, age 2, born: Gt. Waltham.
Ada May Hawkes, age 1, born: Gt. Waltham.
David Hawkes
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Appletrees, Hartford End.
Appears on the Ford End Church, Roll of Duty, as D. Hawkes,
Private Soldier, 5th Essex Regiment.Picture courtesy the
Essex Regiment Museum. |
Edward Hawkes
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Appletrees, Hartford End.
Appears on the Ford End Church, Roll of Duty as E. Hawkes,
Private Soldier, Essex Regiment.Known to family and friends
as Ted.
In the photograph he appears to be wearing the uniform of the
Essex Yeomanry.
Picture courtesy the Essex Regiment Museum. |
William Hawkes
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Appletrees, Hartford End.
Appears on the Ford End Church, Roll of Duty as W. Hawkes, Lance
Corporal, 5th Essex Regiment.Known to family and friends as
'Billy' the picture shows William wearing the rank badges of a
Picture courtesy the Essex Regiment Museum. |
Stanley Hayes |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident c/o Mrs Ketby, Chelmsford.
Stanley Henderson |
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
as Lieut. S. Henderson
Was a member of staff at Felsted School. Michael Craze in his
History of Felsted School records Lieutenant S. Henderson of the
school OTC joined the Essex Regiment.
Short Service Record:
2nd Lieut. 9th (S.) Bn. Essex Regt.
Temp. Lieut. 17/7/ 15.
In France with 9th Bn. Wounded at Hulluch 18/10/15,
and on the Somme Aug. 1916.
In Italy with R.A.F.
Capt. R.A.F. H.Q., 27th Group, Army Educational Officer.
London Gazette Entries (arranged in order of events not
27 Sept 1917: (replaces notification of Oct 1915)
2nd Lt. Stanley Henderson, from Unattd. List, T.F. to be temp
2nd Lt. 29 Sept. 1914. (Now temp Lt., Essex R. (attd.)
19 July
1916: Essex R. Temp. Lt. S. Henderson to be temp. Capt. Whilst
comdg. a Co. 27 May 1916.
18 Nov 1916: Essex R. Temp Lt. S. Henderson relinquishes the
temp. rank of Capt. On ceasing comd. a Co. 3 July 1916.
31 May
1917: Adjts. Temp. Lt. S. Henderson, Essex R., and .... to be transfd.
Gen List
7 Aug 1917: Gen. List. – The undermentioned Adjts. To be
temp. Capts. (without the pay or allowances of that rank) ….
Temp. Lt. S. Henderson, Gen. List.
9 June 1920: Essex R. Temp. Lt. S. Henderson resigns his
commission on appt. to R.A.F. 1 Apr 1918.
8 Oct 1918: The undermentioned temporary appointments are
made at the Air Ministry:- Staff Officers, 3rd Class: Capt S.
10 June 1919: The undermentioned temporary appointments are made
at the Air Ministry:- Staff Officers, 3rd Class: Capt S.
Henderson, 31st May, 1919.
Cyril Stanley Hodges

Picture courtesy Felsted School
Assistant Master at Felsted
School 1918-1919 Short Service Record:
HODGES, Lieut. C. S. 2nd Lieut, 1st Eastern Rifles
South African Defence Force, Aug. 1914 — June 1915.
Lieut. Feb. 1915. Served in S. W. Africa.
2nd Lieut, (prob.) 3rd (R) Bn. Connaught Rangers 24/8/15.
Injured during training ; invalided out 27/3/18.
2nd Lieutenant CS Hodges
relinquished his commission on account of ill health, and was
granted the honorary rank of 2nd Lieutenant 27th Feb 1918.
Ernest Edward Holloway |
Private Soldier 274392, Labour
Corps Address at Enlistment: Stebbing Road, Felstead.
Age: 25 years 6 months.
Height: 5' 8½"
Chest Size: 33"
Weight: 132 lbs
Occupation: Estate Labourer
Next of Kin: Bridget Holloway, (née
Elligott) wife. married 25th October 1913 at Dunmow
Richard Ernest William Holloway, born 23rd September 1913
Kathleen Doris Holloway, born 22nd January 1915
Ethel Holloway, born 22nd September 1918.
Attestation: 03/06/1916
Posted to Reserve: 04/06/1916
Mobilized: 18/07/1916
Posted to Reserve 20/07/1916
Medical: 14/06/1917. Described as having deformed left shoulder
after accident. Cannot carry weight on that shoulder. Eyesight -
Defective. Fit for Garrison duty only.
Re-mobilized: 26/02/1918
Posted: 02/03/1918
Posted to Reserve Employment Company 366, London District Labour
Centre: 18/03/1918
Home Service 368 Labour Company: 29/03/1918
Home Service 391 Labour Company: 11/06/1918
Reserve Employment Company 366 : 24/10/1918
Embarked Folkestone: 02/11/1918
Disembarked Boulogne: 02/11/1918
10 Labour Company Depot: 07/11/1918
147 Labour Company: 15/01/1919
Posted to Labour Corps HQ: 03/04/1919
Appointed Lance Corporal: 03/04/1919
De-mobilized: 12/12/1919
Character described as "Good"
Appears on the 1918 absent voters list at Burnt House
Cottages, which are in Stebbing Road.
Address after the war: The Bungalow, Felstead.
Albert Thomas Holmes

possibly AT Holmes in 1910.
courtesy Felsted Primary School |
Sergeant 3rd Essex Regiment and
9th Northamptonshire Regiment
Albert was the Headteacher of Felsted County School.
His wife was Ellen Holmes.The
Following entries are taken from the school log book:
Index |
A T Holmes Headteacher temporarily left the staff
Oct 17 1916 to join HM Forces and was posted to Essex
Regt. He returned to school duties Jan 20 1919. |
12-18 June 1918 |
Being home on leave, opened school and in from time
to time. AT Holmes Sergt. 3rd Essex Regt. |
Aug 26 -28 |
Being home on leave, School each morning. On Monday
showed and explained the Box Respirator to children, and
gave a lesson explaining how gas is used in warfare and
how men are protected in gas attack. AT Holmes Sergt. 9th
Northants |
20th Jan 1919 |
Resumed charge of this school today, being released
from HM Forces having served 2 yrs 91 days with the
Colours |
Nov 11 1919 |
Day of Remembrance. the school assembled round
flagstaff, when the Headteacher read the King's message
to the Empire. The flag was lowered to half mast and the
children stood to attention for two minutes. Lessons
were afterwards given upon the significance of the act. |
There is no record of a medal entitlement for Albert which
leads us to assume that his credentials as a teacher were
identified and he was assigned home service duties training
others. This would also explain his speedy appointment as a
Sergeant. We do know that the 9th Northants spent the latter
part of the war on coastal defence duties at Sheringham,
Frederick Arthur Howard |
Frederick Arthur Howard was born
in Great Leighs in 1892. The 1911 Census shows the Howard
family living at Harford End, Felsted.
Arthur Howard, age 49, Occupation Brewer's Drayman, born Otten
Belchamp, Essex (now Belchamp Otten, west of Sudbury)
Jane Howard, age 54, born Otten Belchamp.
Fred Howard, age 19, Occupation: Brewer's Labourer, born Great Leighs.
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
of 1914 as F. Howard
Appears on 1918 absent voters list as Fredk. Arthur Howard,
address: Bootswood, Felstead.
Harold Francis Hull |
Harold Hull was born in Felstead
in the summer of 1899. The 1911 census shows the Hull family
living in Felsted Village:
James Hull, age 46, occupation: Baker, born: Woodham Ferrers,
Agnes Hull, age 42, born: Sible Hedingham.
Lionel Hull, age 17, occupation: Grocer's Apprentice, born:
Harold Hull, age 12, at school, born Felstead.
Vera Hull, age 10, at school, born Felstead.
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at the Village.
W. Ingham |
Master at Felsted School
INGHAM, Sergt. W. R.A.S.C. Attd. R.N.A.S.
Served in East Africa (Sergt.)
Frederick Jacob

F. Jacob - December 1918
Frederick Jacob was the Head of
the Junior School in 1918.
During the war
Frederick was retained for service with Felsted School Office Training Corps.
JACOB, 2nd Lieut. F. 2nd Lieut. Unattached List (T.F.)
The register of Officers and
Cadets held at the Essex Records Office shows he joined the OTC
in the September term 1917.
The 1920 electoral register includes
Frederick Jacob, resident Junior School House.
Mary Maud Vincent Jacob is also resident.
Albert Jarvis |
Private 12291, 9th Battalion the Essex Regiment
Born 1892Wounded at the Battle of the Somme between 3rd and 8th
July whilst the 9th Essex were attacking the heavily fortified
village of Orvillers.
Reported wounded in the Essex Weekly News of 11th August 1916.
Transferred to Labour Corps service number 482687.
Appears on 1918 absent voters list as resident at Pond Park
Brother of Frank Jarvis
Cousin of Wilfred Livermore Chris
Weekes has written an excellent article
about Albert Jarvis and his service with the 9th Essex and the
Labour Corps
Bertie Jarvis

Bertie Jarvis was the son of
George and Betsy Jarvis, and was baptised at Holy Cross Church,
Felsted on 30th June 1895. Served as Private Soldier 5916,
with the 6th Battalion, Essex Regiment and subsequently Private Soldier 276088
also with the 6th Battalion, Essex
Regiment. The service numbers were changed in 1917.
The keeper
of the Essex Regiment Museum has indentified the uniform in the
photograph as that of a Battalion horse transport driver.
He appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Bannister Green.
courtesy of Julian Richardson |
Charles Ernest Jarvis
In 1901 the census shows the
Jarvis family living in Cock Green:
John Jarvis, age 58, occupation: Horseman on Farm, born: Felsted.
Charles Jarvis, age 35, occupation: Horseman on Farm, born:
Eliza Jarvis, age 24, occupation: Housekeeper, born: Felsted.
John Jarvis, age 20, occupation: Horseman on Farm, born: Felsted.
James Jarvis, age 16, occupation: Carman on Farm, born: Felsted.
It should be noted that at 35 in 1901 the Charles Jarvis above
might have too old to enlist in 1914, so this may not be the
correct Charles Jarvis.
The picture provided courtesy of the Essex Regiment Museum is
labelled Ernie Jarvis of Ford End and he is wearing the uniform
of the Army Service Corps a part of the British Army that had a
large requirement for experienced horsemen.
Charles Ernest Jarvis appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Hartford End. |
Francis Edwin Jarvis |
In 1911 the Jarvis family were
resident in the Street, Stebbing.
Francis Edwin Jarvis, age 30, occupation: Gardener
(Domestic), born: Ford End, Felsted.
Beatrice Alica Jarvis, age 30, born: Great Leighs.
Elsie Alice Jarvis, age 8, born West Hanningfield.
Harold Frank Jarvis, age 3, born Fuller Street, Witham.
Possibly Private Soldier Francis E Jarvis, M/303336 Army Service
Francis appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Hartford End.
George Francis Jarvis
Gunner 37953, Royal Horse Artillery
Born: 1884, in Felstead.
Enlisted at Warley Essex: 05/07/1905
Medical examination 07/07/1905
Apparent Age: 22 years
Height: 5’ 7½”
Chest Size: 38”
Weight: 144 lbs.
Complexion: Fair.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Religion: C of E
Home Service: 05/07/1905 – 25/09/1906
South Africa: 26/09/1906 – 15/11/1907
Home Service: 16/11/1907 – 05/07/1908
Discharged to Reserve: 05/07/1908
Married: Annie Amelia Grimwood. 18/07/1909
Annie Elizabeth Jarvis, born 27/12/1908
George Francis Jarvis, born: 17/06/1910
Mobilized for war service at Woolwich:
Posted to 5 Brigade Royal Horse Artillery 07/08/1914
An accident at Ipswich which caused a
hernia led to his discharge on the grounds he was no longer fit
for military service.
The medical report from the Royal Hospital Chelsea states:
“Hernia caused when lifting 13 pounder gun. Requires operation
to correct.
Discharged: 17/10/1914
Age at Discharge: 30
Address at discharge: 22 Imperial Street, Bromley by Bow
Father: Jospeh Jarvis
Mother: Mahalia Jarvis, both of Manor Street, Braintree.
Brother: Joseph Jarvis, of Felstead
Brother: Charles Jarvis, of 33 West Street, Stratford, Essex.
Percy John Jarvis |
In 1911 the Jarvis family were resident at Woods Farm Felsted:
Arthur Jarvis, age 47, occupation: Farm Foreman, born: Felsted.
Lucy Jarvis, age 44, born: Felsted. (The census indicates that
Lucy had 9 children, although only 5 were still at home)
Elsey Jarvis, age 12, born: Felsted.
Stanley Jarvis, age 10, born: Felsted.
Winnie Jarvis, age 9, born Felsted.
Percy Jarvis, age 6, born Felsted.
Mable Jarvis, age 2, born Felsted.Being born in 1905, Percy
would have been just 14 at the end of the war and must have
enlisted under age or as a boy soldier who should not have seen
active service. There were many young boys who enlisted under
age during the course of the war.
We may also need to consider that the Percy John Jarvis on
the absent voters list was a member of another branch of the
Jarvis family.
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Princes Half Yard.
William George Jarvis |
Private Soldier 27215, 12th
Battalion, Essex Regiment
Private Soldier, 2nd/7th Battalion, Essex Regiment
Private Soldier, 29654, Labour Corps
Private Soldier, 45450, Royal Army Service Corps
Address at Attestation: Bannister Green,
Age: 33 years
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 132 lbs
Chest Size: 35"
Eyesight: Right Eye 6/36; Left Eye 6/9 (poor) tested with
glasses and found 6/6
Occupation: Labourer
Next of Kin: Frederick George Jarvis, Father.
Attestation: 08/12/1915
Posted to reserve: 08/12/1915
Mobilized: 18/03/1916
Posted to 12th Battalion, Essex Regiment: 20/03/1916
Posted to 2nd/7th Battalion, Essex
Regiment: 17/04/1916
Transferred to Labour Corps: 14/02/1918
Posted to 669 Agricultural Company, Peterborough: 02/03/1918
Posted to 683 Company: 03/06/1919
Transferred to Royal Army Service Corps: 19/07/1919
Posted to 274 Motor Transport Company, Plumstead.
Appears on the 1918 absent voters list as
resident of Bannister Green.
Demobilized: 26/08/1919
Cerdric Batson Joyner

C.B. Joyner 1913
courtesy Felsted School |
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour Lieut. C.B. Joyner
A member of staff at Felsted School. Michael Craze in his History of Felsted School
records Captain C.B. Joyner of the school OTC, and house master
of Elwyn's, joined the Essex Regiment. Short Service Record:
JOYNER, Capt. C. B., M.B.E.
Capt. 9th (S.) Bn. Essex Regt. 22/9/14.
Incapacitated by accident 31/12/14,
and transferred to 12th (R.) Bn. Essex Regt. Mar. 1915.
Employed under Ministry of Munitions.
M.B.E. 1/1/18.
Ministry of Reconstruction.
Demobilised 8/4/19.
Married Kate E. Marlow in 1915.
The London Gazette recorded:
Captain Cerdric Batson Joyner M.B.E.
Section Director, Badges and Protected Occupations Section,
Labour Supply Department, Ministry of Munitions.
Cerdric died in 1959.
Herbert William Kemp |
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Cobblers Green.
Albert Howard Ketley |
Albert Howard Ketley, was born in the flat over Lindsell's shop,
in Felsted in 1893. He was the son of Ben and Ellen Ketley.
In 1901 the family were resident in the Village, Felsted:
Ben Ketley, age 32, occupation: Grocer’s Assistant, born:
Ellen Ketley, age 32, born: Felsted
Mabel Ketley, age 9, born: Felsted
Howard Ketley, age 7, born: Felsted
Robert Ketly, age 6, born: Felsted
Gertrude Ketley, age 3, born: Felsted
Albert enlisted at Chelmsford on 31st August 1914 and served as
Private Soldier 12222, with the 9th Battalion the Essex
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour as A H Ketley
His service records give the following description:
Height: 5’ 5¾”
Weight: 111 pounds
Chest size 34”
Eyes: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Age 21 years 1 month.
Occupation: Clerk
Religion: Congregationalist.
He was immediately posted to the 9th Battalion which
was part of Kitchener’s Army. He went to France with the
battalion on 30th May 1915 and was wounded on 29th
October 1915 when he received a gunshot wound to the left elbow.
He was discharged from hospital in July 1916 and posted to the 3rd
Battalion the Essex Regiment, and then transferred to the 2nd
Garrison Battalion, the Suffolk Regiment, as Private Soldier
35504 on 16th September 1916. He was subsequently
discharged because of his wounds in October 1916.
He applied for his silver war badge, and number 57848 was sent
to him at his parent’s home in the Village Felsted.
After the war he lived at 29 Upper Bridge Road, Chelmsford and
was employed as a Clerk at Hoffman Manufacturing Company.
Frederick John Ketley |
Frederick John Ketley was born in Felsted on 30th September in
1890. The Son of Lawrence And Martha Ketley (née
Western) Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour as F. Ketley
Appears on 1918 absent voters list as Frederick John Ketley,
address: Village
He married Lilian B. Mattocks. He died in 1982.
Lionel Ketley |
Lionel Ketley was born in Felsted on 20th January 1893,
and was the younger brother of Frederick John Ketley. Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at the Village.
He married Amelia Barnard, and they had one daughter Jean
Marigold Ketley who was born in 1925. He died in 1973.
Herbert William Ketley |
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour as H. Ketley
Appears on 1918 absent voters list as Herbert William Ketley,
address: Cobblers Green.
Robert George Ketley |
Robert George Ketley was born in 1895. In 1911 this part of the Ketley Family were living in Felsted:
Ben Ketley, age 42, Occupation Grocer's Manager, born: Felsted.
Ellen Ketley, age 42, born: Felsted.
Robert George Ketley, age 16, born: Felsted.
Gertrude Elizabeth Ketley, age 13, born: Felsted.
Reginald Frank Ketley, age 8, born: Felsted.
Robert was the younger brother of Howard Ketley listed above.
The National Archives medal card index shows that Robert served
as Private Soldier 34142, with the Essex Regiment.
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at the Village. Robert married Mabel E.M. Tucker in 1931. He
died in 1958.
Arthur Mason King |
Arthur King was born in Felsted in 1884, and his service record
showed his next of kin as his mother, Sarah King, of Chelmsford
Road, Felstead. In the 1901 census his occupation is recorded as
Postman. He enlisted between 31st August 1914 and 4th
September 1914 served as Private Soldier 12278, and 60926 with
the 1st Battalion the Essex Regiment.
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour A.M. King.
He was reported missing on 14th April 1917 and was captured by
the enemy becoming a Prisoner of War.
Appears on 1918 absent voters list as Arthur Mason King,
address: Village
After the war he re-enlisted on 17th February 1919 and was
discharged as no longer physically fit for war service on 22nd
December 1922. His conduct was described as Fair, and his
address was given as Paslow Hall, High Ongar.
Francis William King |
Francis William King was born in 1885 in Christchurch,
Cambridgeshire. He married Isabella Hannah Wade in 1907 in the
Newmarket registration district. By 1911 the were living in
Francis William King, age 25, occ: Chauffer (Domestic) born
Christchurch, Cambridgeshire
Isabella Hannah King, age 29, born Newmarket, Cambridgeshire
Arthur Frank King, age 8 months, born Felsted, Essex.
Possibly Private Soldier MS/4167, Army Service Corps.
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at The Village.
Sidney Claude Laudrum |
Appears on Felstead Honour Roll as Landram S.C. (sic) Born in the
Dunmow Registration District in 1879
1n 1903 Sidney Claude Laudrum married May Beatrice Brimm in the
Portsmouth Registration District.
In 1911 the census records the family in Portsmouth, with Sidney
absent, possibly at sea
May B Laudrum, age 29
Constance Laudrum, age 4
Claude Laudrum, age 2
Phylis Laudrum, newborn.
James W. Lanham M.M. |
In 1901 the family are recorded living at Cock Green:
James Lanham - 35 - Miller's Carman
Alice Lanham - 30
Lucy 11
James 9
George 7
Rose 4
Daisy 1
By 1911 the family had grown, but were still living at Cock Green,
James Lanham - age 45 - Carman - born Felstead.
Alice Lanham - age 40 - born Felstead.
James Lanham junior - age 19 - Labourer - born Felstead.
George Lanham - age 17 - Stockman - born Felstead.
Daisy Lanham - age 11 - at school - born Felstead.
Horace Lanham - age 8 - born Felstead.
Jessie Lanham - age 6 - born Felstead.
Charley Lanham - age 4 - born Felstead.
Violet Lanham - age 2 - born Felstead. Private 12258 1st Battalion Essex
Badly wounded in the hand and hospitalised in Manchester.
Awarded Military Medal for bravery in the field, and Bar to
Military Medal 14th May 1919.
Brother of George Lanham.
Both James and George appear on
the 1918 absent voters list, address: Cock Green.
Thomas Henry Layzell |
Private 12379, Essex Regiment.
Address at Attestation: Wales Cottages, Rayne. (then part of the
parish of Felstead)
Age at Attestation: 24 years 147 days.
Height: 5' 2½"
Weight: 128 lbs
Chest size: 36½"
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Brown
Religion: C of E.
Next of Kin: Gertrude Emma Layzell (née Francis), wife
Married 26/12/1911 at Rayne Church.
Kathleen May Layzell, born 16/05/1912 at Ryane
Leslie John Layzell, born 03/03/1914 at Rayne
31/08/1914: Attestation at
01/09/1914: Medical Examination rated him "Fit for Army
22/09/1914: Posted to Essex Regiment.
05/09/1914 - 19/09/1914: 15 days hospitalization at Warley with
sprained right ankle.
16/10/1914: Discharged.
Reason stated: Unlikely to become efficient soldier. Para 392
section (iii) sub section (c) of King's Regulations (deformed
John Lazzell |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Decoy House.
Ralph Lewis |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Valentine Cottage.
Ernest Ling |
son of Edward and Jane Ling.
Baptised at Holy Cross Church, Felsted on 26th July 1885 Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
as E. Ling
Frederick Arthur Ling |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at The Village.
Harry Livermore |
Harry Livermore was born in
Felsted around 1889, and is aged 12 in the 1901 census. Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
as H. Livermore
The National Archive has six entries for Harry Livermore in
its medal card index
Leonard Livermore |
Leonard Livermore was born in
Great Leighs in 1885. By 1901 his family were living in Felsted
and he was aged 15 when he was working as an agricultural
labourer. He does not appear on the Honour Roll but is listed
on the absent voters list of 1918, as being normally resident at
Bannister Green.
Cousin of Frank Jarvis and
Wilfred Livermore Leonard
Livermore by Chris Weekes Leonard
Livermore was born in 1886 in Great Leighs. The Census of 1901
records him living in Felsted with his father Daniel and mother
Charlotte. He was a stockman on a farm.
He joined up at Southend-onSea on 12.10.15
at age of 30 and was posted to RE Signals Divisional depot,
Fenny Stratford, Milton Keynes, as Driver 73750.
On 10.11.15 Leonard was considered unfit
for active service because of an injury to his back in 1899
whilst working on a farm, however he was considered fit enough
for garrison duty at home.
Between 29.6.16 and 17.8.16 he was in
Barnwell Military Hospital, Cambridge with a
sexually-transmitted disease.
On 01.09.16 he was driving a mule team in
Church End, Haynes Park, Bedfordshire when the mules were
frightened by gunfire. Leonard fell off the cart and a wheel
then ran over his leg.
On 28.04.17 his unit was posted to
Mesopotamia and they embarked on 29th.
In Mesopotamia like so many others, he
contracted malaria and on 29.06.17 he was sent to India, via
Durban, arriving a month later at a hospital in Deolali - a hill
station N E of Bombay, where he remained until 08.08.17.
Between 02.04 and 11.04.18, he was back in
hospital with Malaria and still in India.
On 29.01.19 he was admitted to a hospital
in Poona but on 01.02.19 he was transferred to 44 General
Hospital, Deolali. On 24.02.19 a telegram was sent from the
Central Casualty Bureau, Simla to the Casualty Branch War
Office, London. It stated that RE Signal Depot 73750 Livermore
L. was seriously ill with a sexually transmitted disease,
complicated by cystitis. It seems that they did not expect him
to survive. He remained in hospital until May 1919.
Finally on 22.07.19, he was admitted to
hospital in Poona - this time with influenza. The Spanish flu
pandemic, which was sweeping the world, killed between 20 and 50
million people. Leonard survived, being discharged from hospital
on 09.08.19 and then embarking for the UK on 11.11.19, exactly
one whole year after WW1 had ended.
On 05.12.19 he was de-mobbed and returned
to civvy street, probably to a farm job.
In 1921 he received the British War and
Victory Medals for his rather unusual service to King and
Walter Lloyd |
Walter Lloyd was baptised at Holy Cross Church on
26th July
1896. Only the details for his mother are given, she was Sarah
Ann Lloyd. Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Jollyboys.
Richard Maurice Lodge |
Born in the Dunmow area on 4th
April 1892. Information provided by the family to the Essex
Regiment Museum states that Richard was born in Howe Street,
near Great Waltham. In 1901 he family are resident in Hartford
End, Felsted:
Maurice Lodge, age 32, Brewer's Labourer, born Dunmow.
Annie Lodge, age 27, born Felsted.
Richard M. Lodge, age 8, born Dunmow.
Ernest Lodge, age 7, born Dunmow.
Alice M. Lodge, age 5, born Dunmow.
Ethel G. Lodge, age 3, born Felstead.
Beatrice A. Lodge, age 1, born Felstead.
Minnie Lodge, age 3 months, born Felstead.
His occupation on enlistment was Servant, at Felsted School
Richard enlisted as Private Soldier 12063, with A Company,
the 9th Battalion, the Essex Regiment. Was wounded in September
1915, and later transferred to the Army Service Corps as Private
soldier M/397524. The Felstedian magazine of November 1919 lists
him as a Corporal with the Royal Air Force.
George Edwin Luckie |
Serjeant 147374, 238th A.T. Company,
Royal Engineers.
The London Gazette of 18th January 1919 reported the award of
the Meritorious Service Medal to 147374 Sjt. Luckie, G.E., 238th
A.T. Coy. (Felstead, Essex)
Kenneth Benjamin Mann |
Private Soldier 31685, Royal Fusiliers
Private Soldier, Middlesex Regiment
Private Soldier 179623, ASC Labour Corps
Born 1895
Address at Attestation: Willows Green,
Address at Transfer to Labour Corps: Ashleigh House, Little
Age at attestation: 20 years 4 months.
Height: 5' 3¾"
Chest Size: 35"
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Machine Hand
Next of kin: Harry Mann, Father
Previous Military Service: 5th Battalion Essex
Regiment (Territorial)
Called Up: 04/04/1916
Posted 34th Labour Battalion, Royal Fusiliers:
Transferred to 21st Works Company, Middlesex
Regiment: 30/12/1916
Transferred to 336 Company, ASC Labour Corps: 09/05/1917
Discharged: 03/03/1919 – 20% disabled.
All Home Service
George Henry Mann |
Private Soldier 314596, Royal Army Service
Born 1899 in Paddington, London.
Enlisted: 18/04/1917 at Braintree.
Address at Enlistment: Chelmsford Road, Felstead
Age: 18 years 1 month
Height: 5' 5¼"
Chest Size: 34"
Occupation: Cycle Repairer and Postman
Marital Status: Single
Next of Kin: George Mann, Queen’s Head Stanstead.
Enlisted: 18/04/1917
Joined Grove Park Army Service Motor Transport Company Reserve
Depot, Grove Park: 16/04/1917
Passed Learner’s Test: 19/09/1917
Posted to 606 Motor Transport Company, ASC, Holland Park:
Subject to disciplinary proceedings: 25/10/1917. Charge: Having
a light at 10.45 on 24/10/1917 at Earls Terrace, Billets
contrary to Company Standing Orders. Penalty: Deprived two days
Posted to Motor Transport Depot Blackheath: 10/04/1918
Embarked Southampton: 23/06/1918
Disembarked Le Harve:24/06/1918
Posted to 363 Motor Transport Company: 12/07/1918
Leave in UK: 10/08/1919 – 24/08/1919
Posted to Rhine Garrison Company: 03/05/1919
Posted to London Motor Transport Group: 24/08/1919
Hospitalized: 05/11/1919.
Casualty: 05/11/1919. Crushed between two motor lorries.
Suffering fractures and severe bruising to ribs (medical entry
hard to read)
Transferred to Number 1 Company for dispersal: 18/12/1919.
Demobilized: 15/01/1920
Completed 1½years overseas service.
Character: Very Good.
Application for 20% Disability Pension
submitted. Reason given, pains in chest and side attributable to
injury in service. Rejected on the basis of no grounds for
W. Manning |
Machine Gun Corps. The Essex
Weekly News of 7th December 1917 included the following in its
Honour Roll:
Gunner W. Manning, M.G.C., third son of Mr G. Manning, North
End, Felsted has been wounded in the back by shrapnel balls. He
was in the big push with his tank and while in danger something
went wrong. Gunner Manning got out to put it right, and as he
stooped to do so was caught by the shrapnel. He is now in
General Hospital in France. He joined the Royal Fusiliers in
November three years ago, and has seen fighting in the
Dardenelles, Egypt, and elsewhere. After recovering from
dysentery and enteric he preferred the M.G.C. and went to
France. This is probably William Charles Manning, born c.1890
in the parish of Great Waltham, which includes North End, and
the son of George Manning. The national archive medal card index
includes a number of William Mannings but only one William C.
Manning who served with the Royal Fusiliers, more properly
called the City of London Regiment. His record shows he was
Private 3418 with the City of London Regiment, Royal Fusiliers
and then Private 95409 with the Tank Corps, and was later an
Acting Corporal Instructor, probably after the incident
described above.
Albert Victor Martin |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at North End.
Appears on the Ford End Church Roll of Duty as A.V. Martin,
Private Royal Field Artillery.
Charles George Martin |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at North End.
Appears on the Ford End Church Roll of Duty as C. Martin,
Private, 5th Essex.
John Birch Martin |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at North End Place.
Alexander James
McCarthy |
Sergeant 220754 Road Construction Company -
Royal Engineers
Born: circa 1865
Previous Military Service in Boer War,
South Africa.
Royal Field Artillery: 7 years 21 days
Royal Garrison Artillery: 2 years 19 days
Supervisor, Road Construction. Constructional Company Royal
Address at Enrolment: Ladysmith Cottages,
Age: 49 years 5 months. (above normal military service age,
service record shows special permission given for re-enlistment)
Height: 5' 7"
Chest Size: 36"
Occupation: Chemist
Previous Occupation: Time Keeper at Palmer Ship Building Company
– Jarrow on Tyne.
Next of Kin: Wife: Kate McCarthy (née
Haywood-Freake) married Johannesburg, South Africa, 20/09/1904
Ellen Gertrude Maud McCarthy. Born: 19/06/1905 Johannesburg
Colleen Phylis McCarthy. Born: 16/07/1907 Johannesburg
Sheila Alice McCarthy. Born: 04/08/1909 Hackney, Middlesex
Stanley Haywood McCarthy. Born: 01/08/1911 Stratford Hill
James Norman Haywood McCarthy. Born: 07/06/1913 Jarrow
Reginald James McCarthy. Born: 16/10/1916 Felstead
Called Up: 11/12/1916
Posted to Royal Engineers: 12/12/1916
Appointed to RE Road Construction Company as Acting Corporal:
Appointed Sergeant: 08/01/1917
Embarked for France 15/01/1917
Returned to England: 25/02/1917
Discharged as no longer fit for military service 03/01/1918
Alfred Mead |
Alfred Mead married Elizabeth Mary
Barker in 1890 in theDunmow registration district. Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour
as A. Mead.
Ernest William Mead
M.M. |
Private 12149, with the 9th
Battalion, the Essex Regiment.
Lance Corporal 66321 Royal Scots Regiment.Born Croxley Green,
near Rickmansworth Hertfordshire, September quarter of 1893.
1911 census records him living in Felstead aged 17.
Ernest enlisted in August 1914 and went to France with the
9th Battalion on 30th May 1915.
Reported wounded in the Essex Weekly News of 4th August 1916.
London Gazette of 23rd August 1916 records the award of the
Military Medal to 12149 Pte. E.W. Mead, Essex Regiment
After the war his medals were sent to him at Longs Farm,
Little Waltham.
John Thomas Mead |
Thomas Mead was born in Felsted 4th May 1899 to Alfred and
Elizabeth Mead, on 18th April 1917 he enlisted in Felsted into the
Northumberland Fusiliers. On 22nd June 1918 he was transferred to the
Yorks and Lancs regiment where on 8th October 1918 he was wounded in
action. On 2nd March 1919 he was demobilised from the army returning
to his home address at Ladysmith Cottages Felsted.
Robert Percival Medley

R.P. Medley - December 1918 |
Percival Medley was the son of Gerald Morse Medley and Sarah
Medlay (née Birkett) and was
born in 1881.Robert
Medley was a Master at Felsted School and the London Gazette of
November 26, 1909 reported:
Robert Percival Medley to be Second Lieutenant, for service with
the Felsted School Contingent, Junior Division, Officer Training
Corps. Dated 20th October, 1909.
The picture to the right shows
him in the uniform of a Lieutenant and was taken in 1912.
Both photographs are courtesy Felsted School.
During the First world War he was retained for service with Felsted School O.T.C.
MEDLEY, Capt. R. P. Capt. Unattached List (T.F.)
He died in 1967.
Thomas Milton

Born in the last quarter of 1896
he would have been approaching eighteen at the outbreak of war.
He served as Private Soldier F/2905 with the Middlesex
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Bannister Green.

Thomas Milton 3rd from left standing. Photographs courtesy
Julian Richardson.
This photograph is interesting to historians for many reasons,
but note the young soldier on the extreme right, his second
tunic button appears to be black. This is not simply tarnished
but covered with a small piece of black cloth and denotes he had
a close relative who had been killed in the war.
Charles 'Walter'
Mixture |
Appears on Felstead Roll of Honour as C.W. Mixture
Charles Walter Mixture was born in 1897, the eldest son of
Charles William Mixture and Alice Maud Vale, who were married in
the first quarter of 1897 in the Braintree registration
district. The spelling of the family names appears differently
in different records, either being Mixter or Mixture, which may
have been a result of a distinctive Essex accent.
In 1901 the census records Charles and his family living at
Bannister Green:
Charles Mixter, age 27, occupation: Bricklayers Labourer
Alice Mixter, age 22
Walter Mixter, age 4
Elsie Mixter, age 3
Ivy Mixter age 1
By 1911 the family had grown:
Charles Mixter, age 38
Alice Mixter, age 32
Walter Mixter, age 14
Elsie Mixter, age 13
Ivy Mixter, age 11
Jack Mixter, age 9
Harold Mixter, age 7
Freda Mixter, age 4
William Mixter, age 2 (appears on the
also served pages for World War 2)
The birth indexes indicate that Charles and Alice had four more
Ethel D. Mixture, born 1911
Ashley V. Mixture, born 1913
Margaret Mixture 1915
Basil M. Mixture, born 1919 (appears on the
also served pages for World War 2)
Interestingly most of the children are recorded as Mixture in
the birth indexes.
C.W. Mixter is listed as serving as Private Soldier 12267 with
the Essex Regiment.
The Essex Regiment Museum records show that C.W. Mixter was a
member of the 9th Battalion, which was formed at
Warley Barracks, Brentwood in 1914 as part of Kitchener’s new
army. The Battalion was attached to the 35th Brigade
of the 12th (Eastern) Division. In March 1915 the
battalion moved to Shornecliffe, and then to the Blenheim
Barracks at Aldershot, before embarking for France on 30th
May 1915.
The Battalion arrived in Boulogne on 31st May 1915.
In September the British Army were involved in what was called
“the big push” at the Battle of Loos. In early October the 12th
Division went into the line, and on the 8th October
they were involved in repelling a heavy German Infantry attack.
During this attack Private Mixter was wounded.
He recovered from his wounds and was not discharged from the
army until 5th March 1919.
He was entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British Medal and the
Allied Victory Medal which become known to veterans as “Pip
Squeak and Wilfred.”
Charles 'Walter' Mixter is listed on the 1918 absent
voters list as normally resident at Buckcroft. His parents
Charles and Alice were resident at Buckcroft in 1918.
James Eglinton Montgomery

J.E. Montgomery 1923
Photographs Courtesy Felsted School |
Born 1881. Commanded the Felsted School OTC between 1911 and
Retained for service with Felsted School Officer Training Corps.
Capt. O.C. Contingent since Dec. 1911.
Unattached List (T.F.) (H.)

Captain Montgomery 1912 and 1917 respectively.
The London Gazette of 3rd May 1927 reported the award of the
Territorial Decoration to James Eglinton Montgomery.
The London Gazette of 14th December 1928 reported the
Captain J.E. Montgomery T.D. resigned his commission on 15th
December 1928
Rupert Lewis Morris |
Corporal M2/034119, 15th Corps,
Royal Army Service Corps.
Address at Attestation: Chaffix, Felsted.
Age: 38 years
Height: 5' 5¼".
Chest Size: 34½"
Occupation: Motor Lorry Driver
Next of Kin: Florence Morris (née Gepp)
Married: 01/10/1907
Daughter: Leila Mary Morris, born 05/11/1908
Attested: 19/01/1915
Promoted: Lance Corporal 13/02/1915
Promoted: Corporal 22/03/1915
Embarked: SS Connaught at Southampton 31/05/1915
Disembarked: Rouen 01/06/1915
Returned from France: 01/02/1918
Demobilized: 02/07/1919
Albert Moss |
Appears on the absent voters list for 1918 as normally resident
at Bannister Green.
William Moulton |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Mole Hill Green.
Harry Olley |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at New Road, Rayne.
William Henry Overall |
Appears on the absent voters list
for 1918 as normally resident at Oak Cottages, Rayne.